First manga – よつばと!

My first manga arrived! Technically speaking this is not my first manga as I borrowed a lot of manga (in German) when I was a late teenager from my best friend.Nevertheless this is the first I actually spent money on and it’s completely in Japanese. Short details on the order process.I bought Yotsubato! from […]

Textbook take off (delayed)

Hi all,you know how I excited I was to finally receive Genki? I should have read the first pages, but I rummaged in boxes in the attic. No, not for books, but for a SATA cable. No, the cable is not used for the textbook, but the CDROM which is attached. I’ve copied the mp3s […]

Bought a Textbook

Hi!Today I have only done my WaniKani lessons, but no further learning. Instead I checked different blogs, which textbook is preferable.The contenders were Genki, Marugoto, Japanese From Zero, Minna no Nihongo. There are a lot of different opinions. Most people recommend the book, which was their textbook when they started to learn Japanese. Genki is […]

Reading, YouTube and WaniKani

How to Learn Any Language I have finished reading “How to Learn Any Language – Quickly, Easily, Inexpensively, Enjoyably, and On Your Own” by Barry Farber.Actually, I have started the book yesterday, but finished it today. The author stresses motivation, dedication and a multi-level approach to learning new languages. Later that day I have watched […]