WaniKani level 11


Welcome to the year 2021. This year will have more progress after my 1-year hiatus from learning Japanese.

The bad news is, I haven’t really made much progress in 2020. I skipped during reviews after failing the JLPT N5 test and was pretty demotivated to continue studying.

But the good news are I’m finally level 11 on WaniKani and have entered the level range of 苦.

It has been 473 days to level from 10 to 11, and I may be keep on not mentioning the time to level, as this will still be a long, long road.

One reply on “WaniKani level 11”

  1. Hi
    Interesting to read about your progress – I’ve done similar site, but struggle to find time to update it. I’m curious about the JLPT N5 and what you struggled with – as I”m also hoping to write that soon.

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