WaniKani level 11


Welcome to the year 2021. This year will have more progress after my 1-year hiatus from learning Japanese.

The bad news is, I haven’t really made much progress in 2020. I skipped during reviews after failing the JLPT N5 test and was pretty demotivated to continue studying.

But the good news are I’m finally level 11 on WaniKani and have entered the level range of 苦.

It has been 473 days to level from 10 to 11, and I may be keep on not mentioning the time to level, as this will still be a long, long road.

WaniKani level 10

Hello reader! I’m still on learning kanji but slowed down on the lessons even more. Level 10 was doable in 84 days which is – wait for it – a new worst time record!

As learning kanji is not a sprint, I should somehow manage to get to level 60. Estimations say it’s sometimes in 2024. But let’s see!

WaniKani level 8

Somewhere in Italy. In a garden. Under the summer sun. The Crabigator blessed me with level 8!

Keeping up with reviews is hard. Bumming around is easier. Doing lessons after reviews are the real chore.

P.S. I dated back this blog post to June, so I can later view my WaniKani progress by using the tagged posts.

WaniKani level 7

I wanted to slow down a little on WaniKani to avoid drowning in the review pile. That’s why I did lessons pretty slow or not at all. I’m getting more comfortable doing 80-120 reviews a day. My earlier comfort zone was 60-80 reviews. On the other hand it took 33 days to level up to 7. This should be sped up a little.

176 new lessons

Oh dear. Level 7 is nice, but I have so many vocabulary from level 6! 176 new lessons! I don’t know if I can reach level 8 in the below 30 days, but at least I can try.

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Tofugo: Learn Katakana


No dakuten, no combined katakana. I haven’t touched the V and F sounds. I know you can make vowels longer with a dash (ー).

I will have to revisit katakana later, when I will be confronted with more in the future.



Tofugo: Learn Katakana


I ditched the Benri Nihongo sheets for writing purposes, because they repeated a computer font and not a handwritten style. But katakana are so angular, those sheets were good for practicing.

WaniKani level 4

Oops, there weren’t a lot of updates on this blog lately.
I did some work on the new domain, webhosting, Google Analytics integration and also implemented some changes on two other blogs. I’ve also wasted some time on Netflix and StarCraft 2. You could say, I had a relaxing weekend.

Overview after level up to 4

Back to Japanese! I have finally reached level 4 in WaniKani.
I was doing my reviews every day, but was really slow on new lessons. I have failed so many reviews of level 3 vocabulary and messed up a lot of level 1 and 2 guru items. Trying to learn new words just by glancing over them isn’t doing the trick. Spaced repitition doesn’t make all new vocabulary magically appear in my brain. But a lot of it actually sticks on the first or second try.

Please remind me at later levels to create a level timeline, so I can better track my progress on WK.