WaniKani level 4

Oops, there weren’t a lot of updates on this blog lately.
I did some work on the new domain, webhosting, Google Analytics integration and also implemented some changes on two other blogs. I’ve also wasted some time on Netflix and StarCraft 2. You could say, I had a relaxing weekend.

Overview after level up to 4

Back to Japanese! I have finally reached level 4 in WaniKani.
I was doing my reviews every day, but was really slow on new lessons. I have failed so many reviews of level 3 vocabulary and messed up a lot of level 1 and 2 guru items. Trying to learn new words just by glancing over them isn’t doing the trick. Spaced repitition doesn’t make all new vocabulary magically appear in my brain. But a lot of it actually sticks on the first or second try.

Please remind me at later levels to create a level timeline, so I can better track my progress on WK.